Frequently Asked Questions
Research Competition
Will there be a pre-evaluation stage for the Research Competition?
There will be a pre-evaluation stage. Pre-screening would be performed to ensure that all submissions follow the guidelines and technical aspects of the paper. All entries will advance to the Journal Entry round. However, submissions that do not adhere to the provided guidelines will receive deductions. Please refer to Part C. Reminders and Sanctions, subsection b. RC of the handbook for further details.
Is there a dress code for participants?
Formal attire or school uniform is required in defense rounds.
For any other questions or concerns, kindly contact researchfair.rc@upalchemes.org or Pia Timaan (+63 909 595 4068).
Youth Science Convention
Is the count of case study participants different from the seminar series?
No. The participants for the Case Study Competition must come from the pool of their school’s YSC registrants, which will also be the participants of the seminar series. Each school may send a maximum of two groups composed of at most three participants to join the Case Study Competition.
Is there a dress code for participants?
For the talks series, there is no dress code for participants. However, for Phase II qualifiers of the Case Study Competition, school uniform or formal attire is required during the live defense.
For any other questions or concerns, kindly contact researchfair.ysc@upalchemes.org or Julianna Angeles (+63 921 441 1917).
National Science Conquest
What will I be expected to prepare for the NSC?
Participants are expected to have the following:
1. Non programmable scientific calculator;
2. Pencil and pen; and
3. Student ID and/or proof of enrolment.
Is there a dress code for participants?
Participants are highly encouraged to wear their school uniform.
For any other questions or concerns, kindly contact researchfair.nsc@upalchemes.org or Roxanne Bangsil (+63 967 284 9674).
Other Concerns
How many participants can register for each sub-event?
RC – Each team can have a maximum of 3 members. A maximum of 3 teams per category – 9 teams for RC – can be sent per school.
YSC – Each team for CSC must have 3 members. A maximum of 2 teams for CSC and a maximum of 15 students may be sent per school – this already includes the participants for CSC.
NSC – Each team must have 3 members. A maximum of 3 teams can be sent per school.
Can one student register for multiple sub-events?
No. The sub-events will happen simultaneously and this may cause a conflict in schedule.
What do I have to prepare for each sub-event?
NSC – Proof of Enrollment
RC – Proof of Enrollment, Journal Entry, Digital Poster, and Presentation Slides
YSC – Proof of Enrollment
ALL EVENTS – Adviser’s Conforme
Can students from different schools register in the same team?
No. Students in the same team must be in the same school.
Which events do we need to pay for?
RC (Journal Entry Round) – P150 per team
RC (Top 20 Qualifiers) – P550 per participant
NSC – P450 per participant
CSC – P500 per participant
YSC – P150 per participant
Notes: Payment for CSC is inclusive of the YSC talks. Participants in NSC and RC (Top 20) are also welcome to attend YSC talks with no additional fee.
What type of files can be uploaded on the Registration form and the Proof of Payment form?
Please refer to the Research Fair 2025 Handbook for the list of supported file formats
Where can I find answers to questions not covered in the website’s FAQ?
All the details of this event can be found in the official Research Fair 2025 Handbook. Should you have additional questions, you may email your inquiries to researchfair.sa@upalchemes.org